Get Involved

We are looking for volunteers

Want to Get Involved with Mods4Quads?

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Member Resources

We are currently looking for a forum moderator and /or an existing SCI and relative forum to merge with Mods4Quads. If interested please "contact us"

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Be A Mentor

We are actively looking for individuals that have endured an SCI or TBI to become an active M4Q mentor. Currently this is on a volunteer basis with hopes to become paid positions in the near future. Please help us share your love, strengthen this community, and share your healing.

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We are currently looking for volunteers in multiple capacities to help M4Q succeed as a viable resource for anyone struggling with paralysis. Please "contact us" for more information!

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Become an Advisor

Our board is seeking active members and advisors to further our cause. We are looking for people with resources, networking skills and time to donate to M4Q.

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Forum Moderator

We are currently looking for a forum moderator and /or an existing SCI or existing relative forum to merge with Mods4Quads. If interested please "contact us".

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Program Director

We have exciting programs that we need help launching. Please "contact us" if you feel passionate about getting involved with events and campaigns.

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Video Editor

If you would like to support our cause and help us refine some of our vidoes and processes, we would love to hear from you!

We are looking for volunteer and paid video editing support.

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Content Editor

Our goal with Mods4Quads is to becoming the central landing space for all things related to neurological impairment, if you want to join our cause of give us suggestions to more resources, please let us know!!!

Wait. Let Us Help!

Your Purpose, Power & Passion!

Something Wasn’t Clear?

Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.
